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Tanning:these 9 foods that will prevent you from nasty sunburns

1,2,3, sun!

Ah, the sun …! What do we like it. But what can we hate too sometimes. When he does not shout beware. When he does not warn us that there, he will attack us. And sometimes, while hiding behind ugly clouds . And if brown skins are less victims , fair skin infeel the cost at least once a summer (and we're nice). It is not for lack of having warned you to cream yourself. "It's not that hot, no cream needed" . We hear you from here. And it's already too late. In the evening, your skin burns you and it's time to spread everything and anything to hope to limit the damage.

Tanning and food

Even if sunscreen isTHE reflex to adopt , some daily life tips allow your skin to better withstand UV rays who were the cause of completely ruined holidays . So to ward off fate and best prepare your skin for summer , we invite you to discover all the foods (yes yes) that will allow your skin to be less sensitive and better support the first exposure . But also to tan more quickly and durably. Don't thank us!