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Detox:These Foods That Cleanse Us! (from top to bottom)

Food is the key to good health and therefore to happiness. No more easy reflexes at the time of the races that we regret later; we opt for healthy and natural foods whose virtues will be even greater if you have decided to embark on a detox diet for a few days.

Nutrition:how to properly cleanse the body with a detox diet?

To be done once or twice a year, the detox diet helps to purify the body and thus promotes its proper functioning. It allows to cleanse the body of all toxins that have accumulated while helping to lose weight. And since Nature is well made, she has given us all the necessary food to clean up her body. Did you overindulge during the holidays? The time has come to put on your plate detoxifying foods that help eliminate the overflow of toxins accumulated by your body. With this in mind, plants are particularly recommended.

Artichoke and leek, the two key foods for a good detox!

Take the leek for example! Rich in soluble and insoluble fibre, water (85%) and potassium (256 mg per 100 g) but low in sodium, it promotes renal elimination. A food of choice to cleanse the body, and which also contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds. Why deprive yourself of it! What about the artichoke which is the diuretic food par excellence and an incredible cleanser for the liver; which is also a real slimming ally. First, it is very low in calories, in that it only provides 33 calories per 100g portion of artichoke, if eaten alone; but also because the artichoke is also a real natural drainer, thanks to its high levels of phosphorus and potassium; diuretic effects particularly indicated in slimming diets, since they promote the loss of water, and therefore weight.

But these two examples are obviously not the only ones to be as depurative as they are remineralising! Find the other perfect foods to detoxify the body in our slideshow.

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