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Detox:these foods that cleanse the liver naturally!

As we know, the end-of-year celebrations are often conducive to excess food or drink, which can cause great damage to this rather unknown organ, which plays a role as a wastewater treatment plant that is quite essential to the proper functioning of the entire of our body. So let's make good food resolutions now to pamper this organ so useful to the proper functioning of our body by making our own, all these foods present in our slideshow.

What does the liver do in our body?

The liver is the largest organ in our body, and one of the most important. Among its functions,it transforms food into energy, it eliminates toxins and helps in the digestion process. Even if it is one of the organs that suffers the most from the bad habits of modern life, it has this incredible power of regeneration. This means that if the cells of that organ die, new cells are created naturally.

Liver:foods to avoid for good health

Obviously the sugar, finally the excess of sugar. Because this overflow, liver transforms it directly into fat. This excess carbohydrate can lead to "non-alcoholic fatty liver disease". In some cases, this pathology can progress to fibrosis or cirrhosis. What about alcohol which is metabolized by the liver! Drinking too much can lead to a chemical imbalance, because the liver can no longer perform its role. Alcohol consumption can cause severe liver disease or cirrhosis. Same for white pasta, white bread or potatoes: their high glycemic index tends to "fatigue" the liver; the industrial products where many hidden sugars and fried foods "which must be consumed very exceptionally »

What are the main liver diseases?

There are several diseases caused by liver dysfunction:

  • Hepatitis (A, B, C, D and E) which is the result of inflammation of the liver due to a viral infection or excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs.
  • Jaundice or jaundice, a disease characterized by a yellow color that affects the white of the eye, the mucous membranes and the skin.
  • NASH or Non-Alcoholic Steato-Hepatitis, also known as fatty liver disease or soda ash disease. This pathology is caused by excessive consumption of fatty foods and sugary foods.
  • Liver fibrosis, a liver disease that develops very slowly and without noticeable symptoms.
  • Cirrhosis, a pathology of metabolic or viral origin which is responsible for more than 10,000 deaths each year in France alone.
  • Liver cancer, which is most often a secondary cancer, cases of primary cancers of this organ being quite rare.

The trick to do good for your liver:massage it with an essential oil

Essential Oils (HE) play an essential role in regenerating liver cells. Indeed, peppermint EO, lemon EO or ginger EO (your choice) promote digestion and the elimination of hepatic waste:2 drops of your EO (your choice) on a small spoon of honey or on a dumpling of bread, 2 times a day until recovery. You can massage the liver with 2 drops of EO (at your choice) diluted or pure. Beware of lemon EO, do not expose the massaged area to the sun because this EO is photosensitizing.