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5 healthy foods that hinder weight loss

This year we don't give up, and we follow our good resolutions to the letter:eat healthy and do more sport! Only here, despite all our efforts, we do not lose our last superfluous kilos (snif)… Why? Some foods are considered "healthy" because they provide us with many essential nutrients for health, but that does not mean that they should be consumed without moderation... and that, we sometimes tend to forget! To help you sort it out, we've compiled a list of 5 "good foods" that shouldn't be abused.

1/ Dark chocolate

We risk disappointing more than one… Dark chocolate is certainly more dietary acceptable than milk chocolate (which contains a high dose of sugar), but it is nonetheless caloric and sweet. . So, when you want to indulge yourself with a square or two, you prefer bars with a high concentration of cocoa.

2/ Fruit juice

Supermarkets offer a huge amount of fruit juice, and you have to know how to differentiate them. First of all, we avoid juices made from fruit nectar, which are very sweet, and we prefer 100% pure juice. Only here, a juice will never replace a fresh fruit taking into account water, sugar but also non-natural minerals (and less easily assimilated by the human body) which are added during the manufacturing process.

3/ Nuts

Walnuts are known to be good for your health, and for good reason:they are rich in vitamins, calcium, fibre, magnesium and above all in antioxidants, which fight against the free radicals responsible for certain serious illnesses. Only here, these dried fruits also provide a lot of lipids and calories... Clearly, you can eat them, but in moderation (no more than 7 per day)!

4/ Frozen fruits and vegetables

As with fruit juice, frozen fruits and vegetables do not replace their fresh counterparts. First of all, we remind you that freezing does not make it possible to preserve their full nutritional intake, but also that they (very) quickly lose their qualities. Still, when you're short on time, frozen isn't a bad choice as long as it says "no additives" on the package.

5/ Brick soup

Homemade soup is a great way to eat a variety of vegetables every day, even when you don't like it too much! On the other hand, we do not recommend opting for brick soup, the composition of which generally does not exceed more than 55% of vegetables and to which sodium and many preservatives are added. Understood?