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Lose weight:12 fiber-rich foods

Whole foods

It is advisable to eat whole foods that are higher in fiber. Refined foods have been separated from their envelope which nevertheless contains many nutrients, including fiber. Opt for wholemeal bread instead of white bread. Ditto for flour, pasta or rice.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are one of the foods rich in fiber. Dried fruits are nevertheless to be consumed in moderation because they are caloric. The nuts richest in fiber are prunes, dates, apricots, raisins and figs. It should be remembered that dried fruits are also rich in minerals (potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, etc.). You can get into the habit of having a handful of dried fruit as a snack instead of a sandwich or pastry.


Foods rich in fiber, legumes are represented by pulses such as dried beans, soybeans, lentils, broad beans or even chickpeas. While high in fiber, they also contain less starch. They arrive intact in the intestines and feed the good bacteria, thus helping to maintain the diversity and health of the microbiota. However, it is important to eat legumes whole and not pureed. Be aware that the cooking method and preparation have an influence on the quality of the food.

Green vegetables

Celery, spinach, broccoli, zucchini, artichoke, asparagus… They are rich in fiber, minerals and trace elements. They thus contribute to the improvement of intestinal transit as well as health in general. Consume green vegetables daily to stay healthy. Alternate cooked vegetables, whose fibers are softer, with raw vegetables to balance the fiber intake.

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruits should be eaten daily to prevent constipation. Rich in fiber, they also act on the speed of transit. The fruits richest in fiber are:apple, strawberry, blackberry, raspberry, plum, fig, apricot, date or grape. It is advisable to eat the fruits with the skin and seeds if possible. Favor organic fruits and before eating them, wash them carefully.