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Lose weight:15 foods to quickly find a flat stomach!

Between stress, diet and genetic heritage, we are not all equal when it comes to a flat stomach . However, some tips can help you avoid bloating and a few extra pounds.

Flat stomach:the importance of adopting a balanced diet

First of all, to have a flat stomach, food seems essential. Eat a balanced diet , by changing your eating habits. For this, do not start an ultra strict diet, but put proteins in the spotlight on your plate. Plus, avoid cravings and run away from fats and carbs . The latter, which are found in particular in pastries, dishes in sauces or soft drinks, risk being stored in your belly. Prefer good sugars, which you will find in fruits and good fats, in avocado or salmon.

Flat stomach:these good eating habits to adopt

To have a flat stomach , some simple habits can help you. To start, learn to chew properly. The more you chew, the more saliva and digestive enzymes begin to work upstream. You avoid bloating . Similarly, limit salt, which can cause water retention in the abdomen, and gluten, which can trigger stomach aches and digestive pain. Finally, reduce dairy products which lead to fermentation and bloating. Prefer products to plant-based drinks.