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Lose weight:15 grandmother's tips for losing weight quickly

Almost zero physical activity, dietary imbalance, this period of a pandemic can promote weight gain in some people. But no fatality, let's try now to get out of this period by getting into our jeans again. To do this, a simple principle:do not give in to the sirens of sweet snacking, the one that reassures… at the time; and opt for a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, eating smart in short. Added to this are a few rituals to put into your days, grandmother's tips, simple ideas to implement to lose weight, here they are.

Good tips from our grandmothers for easy weight loss

By the strength of experience and their propensity never to waste but rather to recycle, our grandmothers are clearly displayed as the people to consult when you want to lose weight effectively and at a lower cost. Because to accelerate weight loss and finally find a flat stomach, they have no equal in giving the most effective tips to overcome the extra pounds. From thyme or parsley infusion, to artichoke cooking juice, boiled garlic milk or even a simple glass of water drunk at the most opportune moment, our grannies have their 100% natural secrets. and without risk!

Does lemon juice really make you lose weight?

Among grandmother's tips for losing weight , lemon juice is often found. Indeed, when integrated into a healthy diet, it has a real diuretic and purifying effect. To be fit and feel light, drink a glass of lemon juice each morning. You may not lose weight, but your body will be in better shape.