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Heat wave:5 tips for sleeping cool

The thermometer is approaching 29°, and we are… at home. It is difficult to go to bed after a day's work, however difficult it may be, if the ambient temperature is dangerously close to that of our body. Here are some tips to apply if you want to give yourself a chance to sleep quickly and have a good night!

1 – The winning combo:hydration + light eating

The watchword is freshness! As far as possible, we try to eat fresh and light, so as not to disturb our digestion too much:a light salad, fruit or raw vegetables, and above all, we drink a lot of water. If the 1.5 liters of water a day are essential to our well-being, in the event of a heat wave, it is recommended to double this consumption, and to drink at night as well, to regulate body temperature.

2- We avoid stimulants … and favor relaxation!

Tea, coffee, sodas, energy or vitamin drinks are to be avoided after 4 p.m. We prefer water, cool but not freezing, or herbal teas known for their relaxing effects, such as verbena or valerian. We also avoid going to play sports, after 7 p.m. … In short, we relax!

3- Freshness, our best ally

In a mist, in a draft, freshness, we want it! If you don't have a fan or air conditioning, you can hang a towel soaked in cold water (and wrung out, anyway) as a curtain in front of the window, before going to bed. As the water evaporates, it will cool the bedroom somewhat. Otherwise, you can also install an ice cube tray in a plastic bag (to prevent leaks) and slip it into your pillow.

4- The shower:lukewarm or cold?

Answer:lukewarm! It should neither be hot nor freezing, but at room temperature (that of our body, about 37°). Beyond that, it will be useless, and will not provide any feeling of well-being once the foot is out of the tray. Fresh, it will be pleasant... until you turn it off, and you plunge back too quickly into this suffocating humidity. So lukewarm, just to get wet.

5- Create drafts

In very hot weather, we look for drafts. If during the day, we close the shutters, just to return to our home fresh, once night falls, we open several windows. It's useless if you have air conditioning or a fairly powerful fan, but if you live under the roof, it can be quite pleasant!

And in the event of a storm, we sleep with the windows open. The air will then cool naturally and allow us to fall asleep a little more easily...