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Sleeping in the dark is better for getting to sleep

Science says it:sleeping in complete darkness is best and recommended. Indeed, melatonin, a hormone essential for falling asleep, is secreted more efficiently by the brain, in the dark. And for good reason, when our eye perceives light (and this is the case even if our eyelids are closed), a message reaches our brain and disrupts this secretion. Scientific studies have even revealed that exposing yourself to light just before going to bed can delay the secretion of melatonin by 90 minutes. We would lose more than 1 hour of sleep every day! Result:we have shorter nights (and we arrive grumpy at the office).

Overcome obesity, cancer or depression

In 2012, several scientific studies showed that falling asleep in total darkness had other benefits. They indicate that a source of light turned on in our room systematically before falling asleep could be the cause of depressive states and would have an impact on weight. All this due to a hormonal imbalance and a disorder of our biological rhythms due to exposure to light during sleep times. In general, sleeping in complete darkness promotes the production of melatonin and prevents our body from certain serious diseases (including breast cancer). Exposure to light (even very weak) would therefore be dramatic for our health, but the right gestures are not difficult:before going to bed, we turn off all light sources, shutters and curtains included. And this is also valid for our tablets, computers, and smartphones. Conclusion, lights out!