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Sleep:the 9 benefits of a nap on our health

Take a nap after lunch , under the blows of 2 p.m., many people dream of it but few agree to it. However, the nap is not only reserved for children or the elderly, it is beneficial for everyone . Several scientists assure it, even a short nap provides many health benefits , both mental and physical.

The benefits of a nap on our health

In general, most of us experience a state of drowsiness , often in the afternoon between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., the famous blow of pump . It's normal, it's physiological, after a bad night or just after a rich meal . Therefore, taking a nap does us good, it has an invigorating effect, we recharge our batteries, but not only. This little sleep break also has strong positive impacts on our health. Thanks to it we improve our memory and our focus . According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism , in 2015, napping also restores hormone and protein levels in the body, which help to fight against stress . Clearly, this break is life-saving, it allows you to stay in shape throughout the day.

The micro-nap is the most effective

But how long should it last? Napping is an art! To be effective, it should be brief, about 10 to 20 minutes . The Anglo-Saxons call it the “power-nap” , understand a nap of about ten minutes top chrono. It's a micro-nap energizing which allows an easy return to its activities. Beyond that, we are in a deep slow sleep which corresponds to the nocturnal sleep time.

Discover all the benefits of a nap in our slideshow.

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