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Sleep:how our position affects our health?

Does it also happen to you, after a good night's sleep, that you don't feel great? Among the reasons that can explain this, there is the position that one adopts to sleep. Indeed, from back pain to sleep apnea or nightmares, the way we sleep can cause, or at least contribute to, health problems. Since we spend a third of our lives sleeping, we thought it might be interesting to take an interest in that...

Sleep on your back

This position positions the head, neck and spine in a neutral position, so it is recommended for people who have pain in this area. However, it also promotes snoring and sleep apnea. Ditto if you tend to have gastric reflux, sleeping on your back may worsen the symptoms. If you really want to sleep in this position, invest in a pillow thick enough to elevate your head and neck.

Sleep on the side

It is almost the ideal position:it avoids back and neck pain, avoids snoring and is recommended during pregnancy. We almost said:it can also cause compression of the nerves in the arms and legs, and in the long term, promote a pathology such as carpal tunnel syndrome (especially if you tend to hold the cushion with your arms) . Experts recommend sleeping with a pillow between your legs, so as not to put pressure on your back. Good to know:it is also recommended not to always sleep on the same side, so as not to always exert pressure on the same side.

Sleep on your stomach

Sleeping on your stomach helps digestion but is often considered the worst position. The reason ? Since you can't breathe in the pillow, you have to turn your head to one side or the other, which causes neck and back pain and promotes poor arm posture. We can also see breathing difficulties because the rib cage is pressed. We prefer very flat pillows, or even no pillows at all...

And you, how do you sleep?