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Bad sleep increases our level of anxiety

When we are stressed, we tend to sleep badly, it is well known. What we know less, however, is that when we sleep badly, we are more anxious. A study conducted at the University of California at Berkeley looked into this question. The researchers thus measured the stress level of 18 volunteers after either a good night or a restless night, and the verdict is very clear:in people lacking sleep, it is 30% higher than in those who slept well. If the figure does not necessarily speak to us, you should know that with this additional 30%, we arrive at levels of anxiety comparable to those of people suffering from anxiety disorders... Ah yes, anyway!

Vicious circle… or virtuous

Not getting enough sleep has an impact on brain function, which has been shown through MRI scans. So, in sleep deprived people, the prefrontal cortex is less functional and they tend to respond more emotionally to things and situations. In summary, hello to the vicious circle! We sleep badly so we are more anxious, we are anxious so we sleep badly… The positive point in all this? Well, this circle is also virtuous:sleeping well has a positive impact on our stress and anxiety levels. That doesn't mean you can solve everything by sleeping well, but it's a good start to getting well. If you have trouble sleeping well, we invite you to try our tips. And good night!