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Sleep:bad nights make us make bad decisions

Ah, sleep... More than ever, it's a health issue that concerns everyone, from people who sleep poorly to professionals trying to find solutions. Moreover, it is no coincidence that today we consider that it makes you happier than money! A study looked at the effects of lack of sleep and it turns out that bad nights are partly responsible for the bad decisions you can make in the days that follow... Great...

Direct consequences

The study (carried out in Great Britain for the mattress manufacturer eve and relayed by The Independent ) interviewed 2,000 adults who admitted to having an average of 90 “bad nights” in the year… that is almost one night out of four! The causes ? Stress, a room that is too hot, the need to go to the toilet, work-related worries, a snoring partner, outside noises, but also, for 44% of those questioned, the fear of… sleeping poorly! The researchers estimated that 171 “bad decisions” were made per person in a year because of this. It is enormous ! Among the direct consequences, they noted overreacting to something, losing a sense of humor, having trouble concentrating, being overly emotional, failing to be productive at work, being clumsy, not eating a balanced diet, arguing with your partner, forgetting things, lacking patience with children, being late... In short, a whole bunch of things including we'll be fine!

2018 will be the year we put our sleep first, that’s said!