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Bad breath:12 foods that make your mouth feel fresh!

The protective mask preventing the air from the mouth from renewing itself, the observation is relentless, bad breath has entered our lives. So if for some the thing is inevitable because the causes are intra-oral (bleeding gums, strong presence of tartar…) or simply results from poor dental hygiene; the most vigilant can turn to food to put an end to this very handicapping scourge on a daily basis, even more so in the context of intimate relationships because bad breath is undoubtedly one of the most important obstacles to seduction.

These foods that freshen breath

Also for people suffering from halitosis (the scientific name for bad breath) who want to regain their self-confidence and thereby the energy that goes with it, the solution is on the plate. Because if we know that certain foods such as onions, coffee, alcohol or meat tend to amplify bad odors, others, on the contrary, are very effective in freshening breath. Thus a glass of lemon juice, a slice of cucumber, mint leaves will prove to be real allies to keep a fresh and healthy mouth . What about water to hydrate too dry mouths where bacteria proliferate, causing bad odors. Note that skipping a meal can be responsible for bad breath; this is a sign of fasting ketoacidosis. The longer you go without eating, the more bacteria grow in your mouth, especially on the back of your tongue.