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Cellulite:15 foods to absolutely banish to put an end to it!

Cellulite, this deposit of fat that lodges in the thighs, buttocks or even the belly is a natural and normal thing for all women (nearly 90% have it). And getting rid of it or reducing its appearance is not easy. Very often, the various creams, machines, or miscellaneous that we try, in addition to sports activities, are not enough to erase it. So what to do? Take care of your diet! An obvious fact that is always good to remember because more than ever the health of the body and our appearance depends on what we put on our plate.

So to dislodge these pesky dimples, you have to stop eating foods that promote water retention and increased fat deposits and opt for those that improve venous return, drain, promote destocking and maintain muscles.

Cellulite:these dietary changes to make to stop having it

The golden rule? Track the salt and sugar that retain water in the body; increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables – but be careful, those that are rich in fiber and potassium (spinach, cauliflower, apple, raspberries, leek, etc.). And bet on antioxidants! Thus, your mission if you accept it:say goodbye to industrial dishes, dairy desserts (even light!), cold cuts, small cakes, breakfast cereals except muesli...

But why don't industrial foods and cellulite go together? Because to improve the taste of foods that have become tasteless or dried out following the transformations they undergo, manufacturers add molecules that retain water and modify their texture:salt and refined sugar, but also, for example , emollients. Salt and refined sugar promote water retention, as we know.

Discover in our slideshow these foods to absolutely banish from your diet to put an end to cellulite!