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Teeth:12 mistakes to avoid while brushing if you want to maintain healthy teeth for a long time!

To take care of your teeth, you need to have the right equipment, but you still need to know how to use it properly. Because if the brushing of the teeth obviously helps to prevent the appearance of affections in the mouth; some seemingly innocuous errors can create or accentuate dental pain. So, to really enjoy optimal deep cleaning, having the right brushing technique is essential!

Brushing your teeth:this gesture not to do but that we all do!

By technique we mean of course the direction, the movements, the intensity, and the right duration of the brushing. Also, among other gestures to be banned! That of rinsing your mouth directly after brushing. Why ? Because by doing this, you do not give the active ingredients of the toothpaste, such as fluoride, time to act correctly. Over time, it can even cause dental problems. Tip:Experts recommend waiting 2 minutes before spitting out your toothpaste. Discover in our slideshow, 12 other gestures not to do when you brush your teeth!