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3 foods to avoid if you want to lose weight

If you want to lose weight, it can be very frustrating when you think you're eating healthy and later it turns out that's not the case at all. It is best to avoid the following foods as much as possible.

This article is a contribution of Anita van She listed 3 foods that you should avoid if you want to lose weight.

Anita: There is a lot of information available about food, which is why it is sometimes confusing what you can and should not eat. Eating unhealthy foods has never done anyone any good. Not only will it make you feel bad, but if you do it too often, it will make you fatter and can lead to health problems. The following 3 foods are best avoided.

1. Sugars and sweeteners Sugars contain empty calories, because they do not feed your body with good nutrients. Links are increasingly being made between sugar consumption, type 2 diabetes and diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Sugars have been added to many products. Our body is therefore no longer able to process them properly. Our hormones, which regulate many important processes in our body, get out of balance due to sugar. As a result, we get fluctuations in our blood sugar level and we start to store sugar as body fat.

Also, our hunger and satiety mechanism no longer works as it should because of all the sugars we ingest. We have become addicted to sugar. Time and again, our brains want to experience that delicious sweet taste. The brain doesn't think about the long-term damage it does to us. Their concern is that we become saturated in the short term. This is how sugar cravings arise.

Often people think that if they replace sugar with sweetener, the problem is solved. Unfortunately this is not the case. We thus maintain our sugar addiction and get all kinds of substances in our body that are unhealthy and in some cases even dangerous.

Therefore, skip sugar and sweeteners from your diet as much as possible. Read labels carefully. You will be amazed at the large amounts of sugar that you will find in products that you did not expect. Although it takes some getting used to, you will notice that you will soon have much more energy without sugar.

2. Diet products and health drinks
You are constantly confronted with it when you walk through the supermarket:"less fat", "0 % fat" or "diet" it says on the packaging.

And you think that you are healthy if you eat these products. Unfortunately this is not the case. What they do not mention is that these products often contain double the amount of sugars due to a lower fat content. It is precisely those sugars that are stored as body fat.

The same applies to the so-called health drinks. They make you feel like you're doing a very good job of drinking them. Think of packaging that says “with extra vitamin C”, or “contains antioxidants”. If you feel a little less fit at that moment, you think:I must have that! While they also don't tell you that the drink is full of sugars, which make you sick.

Don't just be tempted by all the beautiful packaging and claims you come across, but use common sense before eating or drinking anything.

3. Processed foods In fact, it's very simple:it's better not to eat anything that has been processed if you really want to eat healthy. In addition to empty calories, these products often contain unhealthy substances of which we do not always know what effect they have on our body.

How do you know if the product you eat has been processed? If there are more than three ingredients on the label that you don't understand what it is, it's better to replace it with another product.

You can actually say that everything that is in packages and bags has been processed. Choose real and clean food as much as possible. You recognize this by the fact that it comes from nature and not from a factory. There is no label with an ingredient list on real food. It's the ingredient itself.

If you want to live a healthy life and lose weight, the basis of your diet should largely consist of the following foods:vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, oils, seeds and kernels. Then you know for sure that you are safe. Give your body what it needs and it will do what you need.

More tips about losing weight and healthy nutrition can be found on the Jasper Alblas website>>