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5 mistakes not to make when you want to lose weight

It's always the same thing:when you want to lose weight, you often lose patience when you realize that it's not the case, or at least it's not going as fast as you would like. A look back at 5 mistakes that almost all of us make and which are counterproductive when trying to lose weight.

1/ We are not regular

There is no secret:losing weight takes time and requires persistence. We therefore arm ourselves with patience and we do not despair if after having been to the gym 3 times in a week and having eaten vegetables for several meals in a row, we have not lost a gram. It takes time for the body to assimilate weight loss, whether on the scale or in the figure.

2/ We focus on the balance

It's the value you cling to when you're on a diet, and yet weight doesn't mean a whole lot. It's true:two people who are exactly the same size will not have the same morphology at the same weight. By weighing yourself too often, you just risk becoming obsessed with this number. And keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat. So gaining pounds while we see our silhouette slimming down in the mirror... it's entirely possible!

3/ Meals are skipped

It seems logical:fewer calories ingested =assured weight loss! Well… no, it doesn't work that way. When the body is deprived of a meal, the liver (which normally produces glucose to ensure the proper functioning of the body, a production which stops immediately after eating) continues to produce glucose and to send in blood. This excess sugar is then stored in the abdomen… Hello bulges (and the risk of heart disease and developing type 2 diabetes)! The only thing that works is to eat a balanced diet.

4/ We always do the same exercises

Exercising to lose weight is great! Yes, but if you really want to refine yourself, it is important to vary the exercises you practice. If not ? The body gets used to it and the exercises become less effective...

5/ We are starving ourselves

Eat only vegetables (and give up carbohydrates), opt for low-fat products… We think that this will inevitably result in weight loss, when it is often the opposite effect that occurs. The reason ? If we starve ourselves, we lack energy and the metabolism is weakened. Result:we store (not to mention the frustration which is really not good!). As for low-fat foods, sweeteners have been shown to increase sugar cravings and overall hunger. Once again, eating a balanced diet while paying attention to the quantities ingested is much more effective than starving yourself!