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Swollen stomach:15 foods to avoid if you want to keep your stomach flat!

Whether or not we pay attention to our line, we can all be confronted with gastric problems one day. . Certainly the causes vary according to each person, but the fact is that diet play it for a lot. Indeed, due to their components and the way they are cooked, some foods can cause digestive disorders , bloating and flatulence . But don't panic, every problem has its solution and in this specific case we mean:change your eating habits .

Swollen belly:what foods make the abdomen swell?

To display a flat stomach It is important to pay attention to the foods you eat. Because, even if some are considered healthy, they can still disturb our digestion . This is the case, for example, of legumes and raw vegetables. The fibers they contain ferment in the stomach and become more difficult to digest. Results ? Belly swells! The same goes for chia seeds or crucifers. Finally, as you can imagine, products that are too sweet, too salty or too fatty, like cold cuts and chewing gum, very often cause feelings of discomfort.

Discover all the foods that make the belly in our slideshow.

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