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Four unexpected foods to banish from our plates

It's almost summer, and the opportunity for some to motivate themselves to carve out a figure before hitting the beaches. If physical exercise is of course recommended to have a firm and healthy body, diet also plays an important role (we don't teach you anything). Exit fast foods, ice cream and other sodas, we know, we know. But some foods, revealed by the American site BuzzFeed Insider, turn out to be "false friends":they are believed to be relatively good for health, but nay! To maintain or shape an athletic body, they are to be banned.

Gluten-free junk food

The gluten-free diet appeared late, but for many has become a new food obsession. If some people are allergic or intolerant, others have adopted it to lose weight, or improve their physical condition. But when it comes to gluten-free junk food, the effects are not the same:there are significant amounts of sugar, bad oils and "refined" grains such as cornstarch or tapioca starch. These starches have bad effects on blood sugar levels, in addition to being nutrient poor.

Industrial vegetable oils

They are treated, and directly linked to severe health problems. Very sensitive to oxidation, they cause increased oxidative stress in the body. Kesako? It is an attack on cells by toxic reactive substances, free radicals. A diet that is too high in fat (also alcohol and smoking) leads to a high production of free radicals, which are the cause of chronic diseases and promote aging.

Low-fat yogurt

Make no mistake about it:yogurt is good for your health, but not the majority of those found in supermarkets. The reason ? As they are low in fat, sweeteners are added to replace the taste given by the fat. Second, they do not contain healthy biotic bacteria. The best solution is to make your own yogurt!


Corn is very bad when it comes to preserving muscle mass. It is made up of complex carbohydrates that simply turn into sugar once in the body. In addition, the human body cannot digest corn and corn-based products. Ah, and one of the reasons soda is unhealthy is because it's sweetened with a corn-based element. You have been warned!

Other foods to zap:bread, pasta, donuts… But that, we already knew. Come on, a little effort!