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Food:12 fruits and vegetables that look like the organs they heal and protect!

Let food be your first medicine” said Hippocrates, father of medicine. “ Everything that nature creates, she forms it in the image of the virtue that she intends to attach to it said Paracelsus, a 16th century Swiss physician, alchemist and astrologer. Two aphorisms to remind us how much our good health depends on what we eat.

Walnuts for the brain, kidney beans for the kidneys…

Also, aware that nature provides foods that are quick to prevent our ailments and even cure them, we did not know that some of them heal the organs they resemble. This is how the walnut, for example, helps the proper functioning of our brain which it resembles; that lycopene - the antioxidant that gives tomatoes their beautiful red color - protects the heart against the formation of blood clots; the high magnesium content of kidney beans also improves kidney health.

The theory of signatures:“like heal like”

Fruits and vegetables that look like the organs they heal, an idea brought to light by The Theory of Signatures, an empirical method of observation of medicinal plants, based on the principle of similarity and analogy, itself illustrated by the precept dating from ancient Greece "similia similibus curantur (“like look after like”), is it the same with romantic relationships, perhaps? But let’s not get lost and promise to make this quote (it’s the last one) from William Shakespeare our own:“Our body is our garden and our decisions are the gardeners. », So let's take the good ones now!

Avocado, mushroom, fig, discover 12 plants that heal the organs they resemble in our slideshow.

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