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These foods that promote a steely mind and guarantee good sleep

What if your diet was the key to a steely mind? It is often said that it is even our first medication. Many nutritionists and health specialists agree to make the link between a reasoned diet and good physical and mental health. Depending on our diet, our physical activity and the importance given to our well-being, it can be easy to detect the elements that allow us to stay in shape.

Bad sleep and weight gain:maybe you have a tryptophan deficiency?

Regarding food, the molecules contained in food and the hormones they allow us to secrete could perfectly accompany us from morning to evening and help us maintain a mental state at its highest level. This is why knowing what time to eat a particular food is just as important as the food consumed itself. Just like knowing the essential role of tryptophan in the idea of ​​very positively boosting your mood . An essential amino acid for the body, it is one of the precursors of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) and therefore helps promote good sleep and fight against depressive disorders. Except that ! Our body does not synthesize it, so it must be obtained through our diet. This amino acid, the basic constituent of proteins, is found in many products such as brown rice, bananas, cashew nuts…(see the rest of foods rich in tryptophan in our slideshow).

Food and mind of steel:the importance of respecting the right timing!

Watching your diet is a basic part of dietetics:do not consume too many refined sugars, limit lipids, favor fresh fruits and vegetables... so many good tips that allow you to keep the line but which could also give you the opportunity to maintain a fit mind. Choosing to eat a food also depends on the time you eat it:to take full advantage of its benefits, food must be ingested at chosen times. Stimulating dopamine in the morning is essential because it is this molecule that will play the role of neurotransmitter and therefore activator of the connection between neurons. Very active in the morning, it is a natural stimulant of motivation and helps to increase intellectual performance. In the evening, serotonin takes over:it is the molecule of well-being that will soothe the body and the mind, thus preparing it for bedtime. It is essential to stimulate it through food for better regulation of sleep and to maintain a winning mentality.

What to eat and when for a steely mind?

The importance of food on a stimulated mind is now demonstrated, it is still necessary to know what foods to consume and at what time to fully benefit from them. In the morning, sweet habits should be left aside if you want to boost your mind:animal proteins are the best alternative. One or two eggs (no cholesterol risk if eaten in the morning), poultry ham, sheep's cheese or even fish or meat will fuel your energy to last until lunch. Reserve the sugar for a possible 4 p.m. snack of fresh and dried fruit, cereal or dark chocolate. At noon, proteins and vegetables seasoned with olive oil will allow you not to weigh yourself down too much and avoid the 1 p.m. Finally, in the evening, limit proteins and aim for a dish with a vegetarian tendency:eating light in the evening will make you spend a better night with a stomach relieved of a dish that is too heavy to digest. A great day and a restorative night:nothing better to maintain your steely mind!