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Acupressure:9 self-stimulating points that soothe the body and mind instantly

That our ills originate in physical or cerebral pain, there is nothing worse than feeling emotional distress which ruins our lives. For increased well-being, acupressure guarantees us to reduce blockages and restore the balance of our body, with the strength of the fingers .

Acupressure:a digital massage that heals

acupressure has its origins in traditional Chinese medicine , where it has been used for more than 2000 years. This method of activating self-healing mechanisms of the body would be particularly effective in treating illnesses, relieving pain and improving health both physical that psychic . Like acupuncture, which uses tiny needles, acupressure stimulates the body at certain meridians or pressure points . It allows to control the energy which circulates in the connections of the body, to communicate with the nervous system to improve the well-being .

An effective technique to relieve pain

Before you rush to these acupressure zones , take the time to sit or lie down in a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes and breathe deeply.
After locating the point to be massaged, exert gentle but firm and deep pressure for 2 minutes. If the pressure point causes you significant pain, do not persist, the goal is not to cause you more harm.
While in some people, and for specific suffering, the effects are immediate, it is often necessary to repeat these acupressure sessions regularly to see improvements.
The advantage of this technique is that you do not need anyone by your side and that you can practice it anywhere and about yourself independently.

For an even more pleasant and effective acupressure session, use relaxing essential oils such as lavender, clary sage, sandalwood or bergamot.

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