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Train and eat the way that makes YOU happy

Do you often feel that you MUST eat healthy? That you SHOULD exercise? Everyone wants to be fit, healthy and have a nicely shaped body. The road to get here is not easy. Otherwise every woman would have her dream body. It doesn't have to be a lifelong struggle. As long as you do it the way that works for YOU. The ladies of Studio C Online give you five tips on how you can make a healthy lifestyle workable for YOU.

You are you

You are unique. You are you. So what works for someone else may not work for you. One way of eating works for someone else, and maybe not for you. Anyone can sustain something temporarily, such as a strict exercise program or a strict diet. The challenge is to still have the result you achieved after 6 months, a year, or years. How are you going to achieve this?

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1. Find the training form that makes YOU happy

To feel fit and energetic, to be tighter in your skin and to get beautiful shapes, training your muscles is a must. Sorry to those who say strength training isn't for them. You will not achieve this without trained muscles. So is this your goal? Take on the challenge of finding the way that works for you.

Is hanging out on machines in the gym between panting muscular men not your thing? There are plenty of other ways! Now that we can't go to the gym, we are forced to train differently. There is plenty of choice in home workouts. With your own body weight and/or a number of attributes, you can also work on strong, well-shaped muscles at home. And it doesn't have to be boring. Within Studio C, for example, you will find a wide variety of workouts. From the usual HIIT and Strength, to Barre, Sculpt (with a nice swing in it), Fire. That way it never gets boring.

Are you more of the walking/cycling/skating type? Totally fine. But make sure you also do those squats, pushups, burpees on the side of the road in between. Or combine it with fitness training/home workouts. Without muscle training you may burn fat, but you also lose muscle mass. And you don't want that. Without trained muscles you will not get tighter and you will not get those beautiful shapes.

2. Choose YOUR ideal training moment

Find out for yourself what time of day you feel best, are most productive and have the most energy. Then try to grab your training moment. Then you often feel like it, it is easier for you, you can give more.

Are you a morning person? Set your alarm a little earlier and do a workout in the morning. Do you really start to come alive after 16 hours? Make sure you have already cooked at another time and plan your training for the evening meal. Are you that night owl? Then grab your training moment in the evening.

3. Eat what you like

There are many different diets on the market. Low-carb is all the rage right now. Many diets exclude foods. With low carbohydrate you eat very few carbohydrates. This can give results for a certain time. The challenge, however, is to look the same in 6 months or a year. Therein lies the problem. It is often not sustainable in the long run. You need all the macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats). In addition, life should remain fun. We stand for the 80/20 rule. So 80% healthy, 20% eat what you want. Every now and then that fries from the snack bar or a glass of wine at the weekend is so delicious.

4. Don't eat more than you burn

You can also take that fries and that wine. If you take it over the week but don't eat more than you burn. You can also eat too much of healthy food. It is therefore important that you know what your calorie needs are. There are several methods to calculate this. For example, we use the Harris and Benedict formula. By keeping track of your calories in a nutrition app, you gain insight into what (macronutrients) and how much you eat. Interesting to do this for a while.

5. Eat at the times that work for you

In the average Dutch upbringing, we are used to eating at least six meals a day (three main meals, three snacks). That's a lot, actually too much… You hear the word Intermittent Fasting more and more. This seems like a hype. However, it is a way of eating that we fully support and that will contribute to a better hormone balance, a healthier body and your ideal weight (if you also take point 4 into account).

Intermittent Fasting

What is Intermittent Fasting? You eat all your meals in a block of 8-10 hours. Why? By fasting periodically (or for a long time), our body switches to burning excess fat, which affects our weight and figure. In addition, you give your body time to process toxins and repair your cells. So important!

You do this by not eating anything after your evening meal and/or delaying your breakfast as long as possible. Again, choose what works for YOU. For example, for Heidy her morning cappuccino is her holy treat. So they often have breakfast at 11:30 WITH a cappuccino. Pure enjoyment! Christina doesn't care about that cappuccino and sometimes skips breakfast altogether and has lunch as her first meal. Again, choose what works for YOU. Only then will you last a lifetime.

Studio Fit Program

Do you want to see if training at home is something for you? Whether the wide variety of workouts and the enthusiasm of Christina is the key to success for you? Do you want to eat healthier in a way that you can apply for a lifetime and want to know more about nutrition? Then try the Studio Fit program. 4 weeks, 4 workouts a week. Receive the Ebook 'Nutrition:what and why' and eating schedules with guidelines that can be adapted to what works for you. Now 50% off with the discount code STAY FIT50.

More about Christina and Heidy

Christina and Heidy are founders of the online workout platform Studio C Online.

As working moms, they know how busy life can be. With Studio C Online they therefore want to make it easier to plan sports in your life, because you can do it from home.

They offer great workouts full of variety and energy. Christina is a born entertainer. Her energy bursts through the screen. We often hear:“Christina's enthusiasm makes a workout over in no time”. “It's like Christina is in my living room.”

In this way they hope to motivate women again and again to KEEP training. This is so important. Not only for your physical health, but also for how you feel mentally.