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The workout that does everything for you:tighter, fitter and healthier

Running in this season is wonderful and good for your condition. But you would actually also want to work on a tight buttocks, a beautiful cleavage and a flatter stomach. With this work-out you are ready in one go.

Let's go
This workout is actually quite simple. You walk your familiar running route (choose a route that takes you about half an hour) and you stop along the way to do various muscle-strengthening exercises. Not much of a runner? No problem, instead of running you walk at a brisk pace.

The workout
Start with a warm-up:7-10 minutes of gentle jogging or walking. Now that your body has warmed up, pick up the pace. Walk for 5 minutes at a pace where you feel you really need to try your best, but don't get out of breath. Then stop for the first exercises:

The workout that does everything for you:tighter, fitter and healthier Coutesy lunge:for buttocks with celebrity status
This is the signature exercise of Teddy Bass, the personal trainer of actress Cameron Diaz. Stand up straight, place your hands on your sides and take a large, oblique step backwards with your right leg. Bend your back leg until your knee almost touches the floor. Step forward again and switch legs. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

View the rest of the workout and the exercises from page 70 in the May issue of Santé.