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5 reasons why the handstand is good for you

The handstand or headstand are not just fun tricks. The poses also have benefits for your body.

1. Good against stress

To maintain your balance and hold your handstand, you need your focus. In the meantime, breathe slowly and the handstand will help you fight stress.

Read also: ‘Tips for learning the handstand‘

2. Blood flows to your head

That is good for your eyes and brain, for example, but don't stay upside down for too long.

3. For strong muscles

While you're doing the handstand, your shoulders are being trained quite a bit. Just like your core, because it has to work hard to keep your balance. The handstand is an ideal pose to strengthen your upper body.

4. Rest for your legs

After a tiring day it is wonderful to put your legs up. Standing upside down has the same effect on your legs, feet and ankles. Finally, they don't have to support the entire weight of your body.

5. To train your balance

If you've ever tried the handstand, you know you need some decent balance. Your muscles must constantly make small adjustments to balance on two hands, but over time you will notice that your balance gets better and better.