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Occasional yoga is good for you too

You don't have to practice yoga three times a week to benefit.

You will not easily master the most difficult yoga poses if you take a yoga class twice a month, but even if you do yoga infrequently, this sport has a number of advantages.

It's relaxing
In stressful times, yoga can provide the necessary relaxation. You move your thoughts and free your body from tension.

You become more flexible
The yoga poses will make your body more flexible, but did you know that it can also make you more flexible in life? Stumbling with tricky yoga poses will probably look familiar to you if you don't practice yoga very often. Try to laugh about it when a yoga pose does not work immediately, eventually you will also better deal with a situation in which something does not work immediately in daily life.

You learn to let go
When you release the tension during yoga class when something doesn't work, you will see that gravity suddenly does its work. That can work the same when you let things go in everyday life. The quote 'Worrying doesn't change the outcome' is true in almost all cases. When you let go of the stress, most situations end up on their feet.

You get to know your balance
Your balance can vary from day to day. That literally means that one day you can more easily balance in a difficult yoga pose than another day, just like you can have more one day at work, in your relationship or with your friends.

Do you ever take a yoga class?