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Trying something new is good for you:bungee fitness

Journalist Esmir took the plunge and took a bungee fitness class. You can read her story in the June issue of Santé. Have you become curious and would you like to try it?

Below you will find a number of addresses where you can do bungee fitness. You can also opt for a workshop at some locations.

  • Texel Gym in Oudeschild
  • Mirror Center in Amsterdam
  • Body Skills in Beverwijk
  • Mars Bentum Dance &Theater School in Zutphen
  • Dance &Yoga Styles in Zwolle

How does bungee fitness work?

At bungee fitness you are attached to an elastic band that is attached to the ceiling with a kind of abseil harness. This way you can move (almost) weightlessly through space and make big jumps and half somersaults. The bungee elastic ensures that you train all kinds of muscles that are normally not used much. Even your obliques, which help you to a flatter stomach and tighter waist. Power, explosiveness, balance and fun are the keywords of bungee fitness. And an advantage:everyone can participate, you don't have to be super fit.

Esmir tried bungee fitness. Read her story.

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