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Sports for a good cause

Another reason to go running, walking or cycling tonight:for every kilometer you travel, money is donated to a good cause. And it's super simple.

Easy to use
There are more and more sporting events that are committed to a good cause, but from now on you can also commit to a good cause when you run around on your own. Download the Fundrunner app and track your sports activity. Afterwards, share your activity on Facebook or Twitter. Corporate sponsors transfer the donation.

Download the app
Fundrunner can be downloaded from Google Play. iPhone users should be patient until early 2015.

Sports and affiliated charities
Sports that Fundrunner supports are running, walking, cycling, skating, rollerblading, rowing, sailing, wheelchair sports, golf. Charities for which donations can be collected are Cordaid, De Zonnebloem, Dorcas, KNRM, Diabetes Fund, VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, the Red Cross, Natuurmonumenten, Alzheimer NL, Topsport for Life, and the Salvation Army.

For even lazier donors:we also spotted an app where you can donate by snoozing.