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5 tips for choosing a good mattress

At the end of our life, we will have spent 1/3 of it in bed… Hence the importance of a good sleep which recharges us, and which is a moment of pleasure! The ideal? That every evening, we love under the duvet with the smile! Like when we sleep in a hotel room and the bed is too good... But a good mattress also helps us during the day, since simply lying down can allow us to recover from physical fatigue.

Tip 1:the basics

Before thinking about enjoying a good mattress, you must associate it with a quality bed base. Yes:the bed base supports 1/3 of the efforts supported by the bedding! It is therefore the mattress-bed base couple that optimizes comfort. Typically, if we want to get up on the right foot, we stop the mattress on the floor, and we replace the old box spring (that grandma gave us) with a new one.

Tip 2:to (finally) sleep well with Jules

If we're having trouble sleeping with each other, it's probably because our mattress doesn't have good "sleeping independence." Which is a real shame, because a person turns over on average 40 times a night... so hello to the opportunities to wake the other up! However, with a voucher, the other can move all night long, you sit in your corner and you don't feel a thing! The best mattresses offering good sleeping independence? The "pocket spring mattresses"!

Tip 3:we have an afternoon of tests

There are 4 kinds of mattresses:the latex mattress, the memory foam mattress, the foam mattress and finally the spring one. Each has its advantages and to find out which one suits us best, nothing beats… testing! So we take an afternoon, and we go shopping by really trying, we take off our shoes and go to bed:the salespeople are pretty cool. We test the 4 to get an idea of ​​the difference. Note that some, such as latex mattresses, offer special comfort adapted to each part of the body (back, shoulder-head and thigh-feet areas). As a result, they are particularly pleasant...

Tip 4:if you are often cold at night

We will choose a memory foam mattress, because it is sensitive to body heat, its foam takes the shape of our body, envelops us and thus retains all the heat. Another advantage:it is super good because it allows the muscles to relax and the body to relax more easily, with a feeling of weightlessness...

Tip 5:for a cheap mattress

We think of group purchases, like on Groupon, where you can find good mattresses with more than 80% off. Typically, a hotel range memory foam mattress (so good), sold for 200 euros instead of 1000. The other good plan is Eve, who sells a new "universal mattress" (composed of 3 different memory foams shapes that complement each other for a bed-in-a-palace feel). It is suitable for all types of sleepers… and budgets because it is sold only on the web. This strategy allows the young brand to sell without an intermediary, so at 1/3 of the market price (the first price starts at 400 euros and varies according to the size). You can test it for free for 100 nights to see the difference!

> Read also:5 essential criteria for a good bed to sleep well! # Sleep Special