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Relaxation:some Chinese massage gestures to perform yourself

The main techniques of Chinese massage

Part of Chinese culture for millennia, just like acupuncture, Tui Na massage, or more commonly known as Chinese massage, invites relaxation and harmonization of Qi, the energy of the body. Based on tapping, kneading and stretching with Tui Na, not to mention pinching and pressure with Zhi Ya, Chinese massage has more than 300 techniques aimed at circulating energy in the body. This large number of movements therefore makes it possible to personalize the massage according to our needs and ailments, which can be expressed to the practitioner before the session.

The benefits of Chinese massage

Relaxing and therapeutic, Chinese massage offers many benefits. Among them, we obviously find the evacuation of stress and absolute relaxation. That said, Chinese massage goes beyond a simple relaxing massage, offering the possibility of relieving muscle pain, while fighting against everyday ailments such as colds or migraines. The balance of the Qi allows a harmony of the body and the spirit.

Self-massage with the principles of Chinese massage

Baptized Dao Yin, or Do In for English speakers, self-massage using the principles of Chinese energy created a buzz in the summer of 2015. However, these techniques have long been adopted by followers of the genre. Based on 3 principles, namely the right movement, the right breathing and the right intention, self-massage, by creating a synergy of these 3 elements, makes it possible to develop concentration, to widen the field of consciousness or even to enhance the therapeutic effects. Among the main gestures, we find the tapping of the arms, each movement being to be done three times, in order to awaken the energy in this part of the body. This gesture can also be applied to the legs, starting from the thigh towards the calves. To harmonize the Qi, you can also press each finger, finishing with pressure on each nail. For the feet, it is useful to twirl them clockwise, while standing on tiptoe. Self-massage should preferably be practiced in the morning, upon waking, for about 10 minutes.


Even if self-massage is an added value or an accompaniment to real Chinese massage, it is not useless to know the contraindications of this type of massage. Indeed, Chinese massage is not recommended in particular in case of skin problem, recent surgery, bone or infectious disease, or even phlebitis or heart problem.