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Relaxation:3 gestures of Swedish massage to do at home

The ideal friction to relax

In the category of deep massage techniques, we call friction. It is a basic technique of classic massage like effleurage, palpate-rolling, smoothing, grinding, pressure, vibration massage, etc. It helps to untie physical and psychological knots. It is performed with the fingertips in a circular motion, applying more or less intense pressure depending on the desired effect. During a massage session, the duration of the friction lasts an average of 5 minutes. Concretely, it is a matter of making a back and forth movement over an area of ​​about 3 centimeters, spreading out as you go. In addition to relaxing, friction is a perfect technique for eliminating fat. In addition, do a little diet and exercise, you will do wonders! Do not practice friction if you suffer from bruising, edema or skin infection.

Kneading, the ally of Swedish massage for relaxation

Kneading is one of the most common and popular Swedish massage techniques. This technique generally intervenes after the friction which allows the muscular stimulation. To perform an effective kneading, you can think of the different doughs (bread, pizza, etc.) that are kneaded to obtain the desired result. This technique is particularly recommended for the treatment of stress. It also allows to obtain a better sleep, a total relaxation of the organism and a calming of the spirit. Petrissage is a deep massage. In general, it is practiced with the palms of the hands which allow more pressure than the fingers. It must be done with both hands by kneading a good part of the body. The movements must be uniform. Never use the kneading technique on the face or on expectant mothers.

Tapping in Swedish massage

Tapping is an essential technique in Swedish massage. It provides deep relaxation but not only! It allows better blood circulation, stimulates nerve endings, relaxes and tones muscles. It also helps slim down and reduce cellulite. It requires a lot of energy from the masseur. You should be vigilant and not tap certain sensitive areas such as the kidneys, bones and joints. There are 11 tapping techniques. There's the cup, the bird's beak, the flapping, the pinch, the knock-knock, the chopper, the quack, the pounding, the diffuse tapping, the slap and the raindrops. So many techniques used to allow for excellent relaxation. Tapping is strongly discouraged for pregnant women or people with hypersensitive skin.