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Nap:it's proven, we need it!

The siesta, we happily said goodbye to him once he passed kindergarten. Unaware that we were, we had just made one of the biggest mistakes of our lives without even knowing it. And we regret it every day since… Well, maybe not every day but in any case, we remain very nostalgic for this moment of relaxation which was granted to us, after lunch. Because no one will say otherwise, the worst time of the day (after the difficult awakening!) is the beginning of the afternoon. Yes, that moment when after having eaten the cheeseburger/fries combo from the canteen, you feel your body sagging and your eyes closing because of your heavy eyelids. That's it, we pitch down and our biggest dream is no longer this magnificent villa in Malibu, but just a little nap. Unfortunately for us, we are stuck in the open space with our boss next door. We try to regain control with big shots of coffee, but nothing helps... Well from now on, we can feel guilty because it has been scientifically proven that our afternoon rush is completely dictated by our body and not by our rhythm of life.

Metabolism is like a scale

Explanations:sleep is dictated by a so-called "circadian" rhythm (=the internal clock, which is established over 24 hours) but also by sleep homeostasis (=the fact that we need a minimum of sleep and that our body reminds us of it at some point). This internal system regulates physiological and behavioral processes. And these regulate our body temperature, our hormone levels and therefore our desire to take a nap. The metabolism then reacts like a balance:while our alertness and our concentration decrease, the need for sleep increases considerably and this bodily reaction generally arises 12 hours after the deepest moment of sleep... This is why we want to take a nap so much around 3 p.m. In addition, there is nothing we can do about it since it is our internal system and our body that take control! A good study that we will not hesitate to share with our N+1…

By the way, what time is it? That of the siesta? Oh yeah…