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Californian, Ayurvedic, Swedish massage:what are the differences?

Ayurvedic massage

It comes to us from India, and its name comes from the Sanskrit term “Ayurveda” meaning “science of life”. It is based on the principles of energy medicine, close to Chinese medicine, the aim of which is to balance a person's temperament by regulating the three elements that compose it:"Vata" (air), "Pita" (fire ) and “Kapha” (water). Concretely, an Ayurvedic massage session lasts a good hour and is practiced using sesame oil, sometimes embellished with a floral essential oil. The body is entirely kneaded, by different maneuvers which follow a very precise tempo. The practitioner alternately uses the arms for large sliding movements, the hands for slow and deep kneading or brushing, or even fists and elbows for pressure. Many variations of this massage exist, in particular more targeted treatments on a particular part of the body (head, feet or hands) on which the practitioner can sometimes use chickpea flour or ghee as well as small "tools". (Tibetan bowl for example) in order to better work certain reflex points. In addition to these detoxifying and balancing body treatments, Ayurveda offers a global reform of the hygiene of life:diet, daily practice of yoga, purification rites.

Swedish massage

Geographic change and change of style with Swedish massage! If you are looking for a way to get back on your feet after a sporting event or temporary fatigue, you have found it! Relaxing massage par excellence, the Swedish massage was initially developed to relieve the muscles of athletes. It is the latter who are targeted in priority by this invigorating and energizing massage. After an introduction made up of progressively stronger strokes, the muscle is kneaded, stretched and kneaded, from the neck to the soles of the feet. Certain areas of tension are the subject of percussion or light pinching which helps to untie the contractures. It is not impossible to feel a little pain in certain places, but it quickly yields under the fingers of the professional. After this rather sporty phase of the massage, the practitioner reduces the rhythm and depth of the maneuvers, ending with beneficial strokes. The objective of Swedish massage is to allow the massaged person to recover their strength, both physical and psychological. And it works ! At the end of a session, you are freed from your fatigue, with a light body and mind.

And the Californian massage?

It seems that the Californian massage is halfway between Ayurvedic and Swedish! All joking aside, if in terms of tempo and gestures it has points in common with the two, the Californian massage remains a unique psycho-corporal treatment.