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Well-being:what are the main techniques of Chinese massage?

Chinese massage:definition

Being one of the four branches of Chinese medicine, with acupuncture (Zhenjiu), pharmacopoeia (Zhongyao), and energy care (Qi Gong), Chinese massage, or Tui Na massage, allows relaxation and harmonization. energy of the body, through the stimulation of Qi. Practiced for millennia, and widely exported internationally, Chinese massage is now one of the most renowned practices in massage therapy. Distinguished from other practices by its particular techniques, Chinese massage is unanimous.

Chinese massage techniques

Chinese massage is one of the practices with the most movements and techniques. With more than 300 possible techniques, Chinese massage can vary according to the needs of the person. That said, several practices remain essential for the harmonization of Qi. Among them, we find the three most practiced techniques, namely:

– The Gunfa, called “roller”, consisting of performing a rotating massage on the parts concerned, generally the soft tissues;

– The Zhenfa, or the “vibration technique”, in order to energize the patient’s body thanks to a vibratory and rapid movement of the hand.

– Acupressure, taking up the principles of acupuncture by applying pressure with the fingers on the necessary points.

Chinese massage is therefore distinguished from other practices by its movements of rotation, friction, shaking, stretching and vibration.

The benefits of Chinese massage

The benefits of Chinese massage are numerous. If relaxation is the first pleasant virtue, Chinese massage also helps to regulate certain everyday ailments, such as colds, migraines or even constipation. A real anti-stress or anti-anxiety weapon, Chinese massage can even be practiced on children, who will fear it less than acupuncture. The Tui Na massage also helps relieve joint pain or muscle damage. Visible and felt results quickly after practice.

Actions to adopt on a daily basis

If Chinese massage is generally practiced in an institute, a few simple gestures can be adopted on a daily basis. Indeed, always with the aim of harmonizing body energy, the Tui Na massage inspires self-massage enthusiasts for greater well-being. Tapping on the hands, feet and back, without forgetting the rubbing of each finger, finishing with the nail, are among the gestures from Chinese medicine that can be easily done at home.