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Relaxation:what is the Californian massage?

How does a Californian modeling session take place?

Harmony could be the key word of a Californian massage session. The one that you will inevitably feel at the end of the treatment, but also the one that the practitioner brings to his gestures and their sequence. For about an hour, you are the object of gentle and enveloping treatments adapted to your relaxation needs. Get ready to savor an alternation of touching and rocking techniques, with more in-depth movements then light and progressive stretching. The idea is to help you become aware of your body while bringing you deep relaxation, both muscular, mental and emotional.

Does Californian massage have therapeutic virtues?

The Californian massage allows a real body rebalance, in particular at the level of fluids. A true humoral mix, it is a friend of choice during any seasonal cure, fasting or partial diet. It is also recommended to drink more water than usual in the hours following a Californian massage, in order to help with the elimination that it entails. The beneficial effects of massage are not negligible since it helps you protect yourself from certain ailments such as hypertension, strengthens your joint flexibility and calms pain, improves comfort during certain chronic illnesses or helps you regain punch in end of recovery. A Californian massage is above all a technique of global harmonization and relaxation that will help you to strengthen your vitality and your health, sometimes in unexpected ways.

Relaxation thanks to Californian massage, an ally of my beauty?

We know it, but it is never useless to remember it:when we are well, we are (even more) beautiful! The most immediate result is the appearance of the skin, which is regenerated by the care of a Californian massage. The massage oils used, associated with the professional touch, work wonders on the epidermis which is soft and silky. The complexion is fresh, the features rested, dark circles and puffiness lay low… a real treat! The Californian massage also acts on the venous and lymphatic circulation, you will feel light. And it will be seen! You will find that with each massage the benefit is greater. The effects are cumulative and the results also progress as the sessions progress. Some institutes also offer packages.

Who should I contact to benefit from a Californian massage?

Building on its success, Californian massage is practiced by many health and well-being professionals, starting with certain massage therapists. You can also contact your beautician, a naturopathic health practitioner or relaxation specialists. Note that some agree to come to your home, which can be a real plus depending on your schedule or your place of residence!