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Ayurvedic massage or Chinese massage:what are the differences?

Chinese and Indian massages:similar aims

Like Ayurvedic massage, Chinese massage or Tuina is based respectively on the traditional medicine of these two countries. These are therefore massages aimed at curing the patient of an illness. Both are therefore part of a broader healing “program”, to which are added plant medicine and meditation. As for an Ayurvedic massage, before a Chinese massage, the “patient” is examined by the masseur. We take your pulse, we observe your tongue, your skin, in order to take stock of your bodily energies.

Chinese massage:chasing away evil with evil

Unlike Ayurvedic massage, soft and sensual, Chinese massage is very lively. It can even be considered painful or even intolerable by some patients. Even Vishesh — a more invigorating version of Ayurvedic massage — is not comparable to Tuina in terms of intensity. During a Tuina, the masseur uses his fingers like the acupuncturist uses needles. Literally, the term Tuina means “to push, to pinch, to press, to rub. There are more than 300 different gestures aimed at relieving the patient of all these tensions (muscular, digestive, articular, psychological). Chinese massage is also known to eliminate chronic back problems. However, these benefits are only felt after the session! A bit like at the osteopath or the physiotherapist, you have to accept to go through the pain box before healing!

Ayurvedic massage to become aware of your body

With Ayurvedic massage or Abhyanga, we are in a more "soft" and meditative approach. Based on a medicine of the elements, Indian massage aims to harmonize the doshas, ​​in other words our moods. For this, the masseur will use a stimulating vegetable oil or essential oils. It mainly performs circular movements and pressures on strategic points of the body. Sometimes it even involves dripping oil on the forehead of the person being massaged, where our third eye is located! Unlike Chinese massage, we are in a very passive approach, close to meditation.

Chinese massage or Ayurvedic massage:how to choose?

The choice between a Chinese or Indian massage depends a lot on the sensitivity of the patient. Some prefer invigorating, participatory massages, where the patient must "hold on" to complete the session. This is the case with Chinese massage, from which you come out sore but invigorated. Those who suffer from functional problems (back, joints, muscles) will find great satisfaction and a marked improvement in symptoms in a few sessions. Ayurvedic massage is also renowned for its healing properties:in India, it falls under the Ministry of Health's classification of paramedical care. Inner calm, strengthening of the immune system:there are countless benefits of Indian massage on body and mind. Recommended for those who want to reconnect with their inner self!