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Phytotherapy, aromatherapy, naturopathy:what are the differences?

Naturopathy, a recognized profession

Plants have always been at the heart of scientific research. Nature indeed conceals many unsuspected treasures! Thus, naturopathy brings together the different methods of healing the body by natural means. Today, more and more patients are turning to naturopaths. There are different ways to enjoy the benefits of nature:herbal medicine, homeopathy and aromatherapy are techniques for taking care of your body and mind. Because if the role of the naturopath is to preserve our health capital, certain plants also have an influence on our morale. Passionflower, valerian and certain Bach flowers, for example, soothe and reduce stress and anxiety. During a first visit, the naturopath asks a series of questions to find out about your eating habits and your lifestyle. Then, it tries to establish connections between your suffering and your body:for example, a recurring headache may be due to insomnia or chronic stress.

Phytotherapy, an ancestral medicine

Skills and knowledge are transmitted from generation to generation. Over the centuries, the original herbal medicine relieved many diseases. Today, phytotherapy is recognized by doctors. It can even be a complement to certain heavy treatments. Because plants have many benefits for our body. They can help you get back to sleep, have good digestion, reduce stress, lose a few pounds... Plants are therefore our health allies and our beauty allies! Argan oil, aloe vera or green tea are thus products used in many cosmetics. In 1986, herbal medicine was even recognized as medicine by the Ministry of Health! But beware:as in aromatherapy, the choice of plants is essential to avoid certain undesirable side effects. This is why it is more prudent to turn to a professional!

Aromatherapy, the benefits of plants

Aromatherapy is one of the means used by herbal medicine to heal. This practice focuses on the aromatic extracts of plants. Thus, each plant is distilled to extract the active ingredients, which will make up the essential oils. So be careful before using them. Some essential oils are used to fight against infections (tea tree), others to reduce stress (lavender)… You can inhale them or mix them with vegetable oils to make treatments. Please note:some plant extracts are not recommended for children and pregnant women.