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Phytotherapy:plants allied to your beauty

Phytotherapy:the essential beer yeast

Brewer's yeast is a product that has recently experienced great success. And it is deserved since it has many benefits. Besides the fact that it is used in phytotherapy to avoid winter colds and fatigue, brewer's yeast is an indisputable beauty ally! It strengthens brittle nails and fights against hair loss. If you have the impression that your hair falls out easily, take a cure with brewer's yeast. In capsule or flake form, take 2 grams three times a day for 6 weeks. But this product also has purifying properties. Indeed, if you have a sad and dull complexion, this yeast will bring you radiance! For an easy recipe, mix 3 tablespoons of yogurt, 2 teaspoons of brewer's yeast and 1 tablespoon of apricot oil. Once the mixture is done, apply it on your face. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

Phytotherapy:the miraculous argan oil

Moroccan and Algerian women have used it for generations. This is a real miracle product! Nourishing, moisturizing, argan oil is indeed a treasure of nature! Today, major cosmetic brands add it to their creams. Composed of fatty acids, it is a beauty ally to fight against the passage of time. Natural anti-wrinkle, it protects the epidermis from external aggressions, while helping it to heal. Thus, you can apply vegetable oil, widely used in herbal medicine, directly to the body and face. You can also combine it with green clay to make a mask:mix two tablespoons of clay and a spoon of argan oil. Apply the mixture on your face for about ten minutes. Rinse well. Your complexion will be fresh and radiant!

Phytotherapy:the exceptional aloe vera

Some herbalists prescribe a treatment with aloe vera to aid digestion. But this plant native to desert regions is especially famous for its particularly moisturizing properties! Composed of water, its texture penetrates the epidermis and deeply hydrates. Thus, it helps to fight against skin aging. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, this anti-aging plant is a beauty ally that you will not be able to do without. You can apply a little aloe vera gel directly to your face and/or body. You can also make an eye contour treatment:mix a few drops of avocado vegetable oil with a little aloe vera gel. Apply the mixture under your eyes using movements from the inside out. Over the days, your eye contour will regain its radiance! With summer coming, if you have sunburn, apply aloe vera gel directly to your skin. It will accelerate the reconstruction of cellular tissue!