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Phytotherapy:these plants that help digestion

Phytotherapy:lemon balm aids digestion

Since the dawn of time, man has turned to nature to find remedies. Aromatherapy and phytotherapy are thus recognized for their health benefits. There are many medicinal plants that aid digestion. Lemon balm is particularly appreciated for its antispasmodic properties. Indeed, it helps to soothe stomach disorders, while limiting stomach aches and heartburn. You can consume this plant in herbal tea. Simply infuse a teaspoon of lemon balm in 150 ml of boiling water. It is also possible to use sticks. These are particularly effective for gastric burns. Know that peppermint also soothes spasms and reduces the risk of nausea.

Phytotherapy:artichoke eliminates bloating

In addition to being good, the artichoke is excellent for your health! This vegetable has already proven itself in herbal medicine. By acting directly on the liver, it helps the body eliminate toxins. Just like dandelion, rosemary or turmeric, it allows better digestion of fats. Also know that after a drunken evening with friends, it is also effective against hangovers! You can eat this vegetable after cooking it. Better than boiling, steaming keeps all of its vitamins. Herbalists even use artichoke leaves by pressing them. The juice obtained is excellent for stimulating the production of bile by the liver. Know that milk thistle is also effective against bloating. It is available in the form of capsules in pharmacies. If you suffer from aerophagia, star anise decoction is recommended. Put 3 star anise in boiling water. Leave to cool a little and drink this herbal tea after eating.

Phytotherapy:ginger has anti-nausea properties

Ginger is not only famous for being an aphrodisiac. It also has anti-nausea properties. Used since the dawn of time in Indian medicine, this plant indeed facilitates digestion. It can also be effective against headaches. In herbal medicine, it helps relieve nausea. If you are pregnant or prone to nausea, ginger rebalances your body. Ditto if you suffer from motion sickness. Facilitating digestion, this plant also helps to limit heartburn and intestinal gas. It also stimulates the appetite while limiting the urge to vomit. Finally, if you have stomach aches due to stress, turn to soothing plants, such as passionflower, valerian or hawthorn. You can also use Bach flowers.