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Nutrition:these habits to lose during fitness

Skipping meals

Skipping meals is a bad habit common to many women. There are many scenarios. The first relates to breakfast. With or without children, the morning can quickly seem like an obstacle course as there are things to do and manage. The breakfast stage often goes by the wayside for lack of time... or lack of desire. Some people are not hungry when they wake up and prefer not to eat. There are also women who decide to skip a meal to compensate for an overly rich lunch, for example. It is even more harmful for the line! The body begins to store as soon as it is deprived of a meal.

Eat anyhow

It is not uncommon to do anything when it comes to nutrition. The enemy of a good fitness! In general, people no longer take the time to eat as their days are so busy. It is important to know that it takes between 15 and 20 minutes for the body to assimilate what it eats and feel full. For this reason, it is also important to chew well. A common mistake is to eat in front of the television or while performing an activity (reading, computer, etc.). By adopting this attitude, we are no longer even aware of what we are doing. Also avoid overly large dinners! It is better to have a good breakfast or lunch. In the evening, eating light also promotes better sleep.

Snack between meals

One of the worst nutritional habits concerns untimely snacking. The major problem with snacking is that people only consume the bad "prohibited" foods, rich in sugars or bad fats. Cakes, sweets, chocolate bars, crisps are mostly preferred as a healthy and balanced snack. It's the vicious circle and guaranteed weight gain! Snacking is often accompanied by a poor diet and a total lack of sport. They are the best friends of the extra pounds on the scale.

Not drinking enough water

Everyone agrees that it is essential to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day... Yet few follow this advice! Water is vital for the proper functioning of the body. It helps in particular to eliminate toxins. Drinking a large glass of water before (not after) the meal provides a feeling of satiety which allows you to eat less. It is also bad to drink too many sugary drinks like sodas or fruit juices. Alcohol is also to be avoided. Make do with an aperitif once in a while!

Do not cook

In the frenetic daily rhythm, it is not always easy to find time to cook. However, it is essential as part of a balanced diet. Not cooking results in eating junk food and processed foods. They do not bring good nutritional things to the body. They are generally high in sugar, salt and fat.