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What to eat during menstruation?

For a large part of women, menstruation is already a painful period, synonymous with painful hormonal pain. But sometimes, without knowing it, we accentuate these pains even more, because of what we eat. Fortunately, there are certain foods that can reduce these pains, or at least make them more bearable. This is what the American gynecologist Sara Gottfried explained to the site My Domaine . This true expert in the field, author of several books on hormones, has listed the foods to avoid a little before and during your period, so as not to have too much pain.


It can be unpleasant for those who can't start their day without their caffeine fix, but coffee is a good thing to forget about on your period because it causes anxiety. Instead, we prefer tea or herbal tea. Alcohol should also be avoided. “Alcohol can also cause anxiety, mood swings and headaches,” explained the gynecologist. On the other hand, fruit juices and vegetable smoothies are to be consumed without moderation! After menstruation, coffee is gradually reintroduced.


Sara Gottfried strongly advises to stop eating sugar, or any of its substitutes, a few days before your period starts. It is also necessary to make a cross on processed foods, such as white bread, meals to be reheated, or canned food. Instead, eat plenty of vegetables and fiber, naturally present in wholemeal bread, artichokes, or lentils.

Milk chocolate

Chocolate is allowed (for our greatest happiness). But be careful, only black, at least 70% cocoa. Only a few squares are advised to alleviate the pain, not the whole tablet. “Dark chocolate made of at least 70% cocoa lowers the level of cortisol, a stress hormone produced by the body. It also boosts the production of serotonin, responsible for well-being, good mood, sleep and appetite,” explained the expert.

Bonus:limit sport

Regarding sports activities, Sara Gottfried advises to economize. Even if you want to keep the line, you still have to go gently, for example with yoga exercises or Pilates. “Some women are exhausted during and after their periods, so you have to regain energy gradually with the right discipline,” she added.

There you go, we know how to put the odds on our side so that menstrual pain is a bad memory!