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Heat:what foods to eat?

Faced with this scorching weather, we lose liters and liters of water by sweating. We therefore do not forget that we must hydrate ourselves sufficiently at the rate of 1.5 L to 2 L per day, even when we are not thirsty. Another important point:food. During the summer we want to eat lighter, so yes, but be careful to choose your products carefully. Because the digestion phase in periods of high heat is longer and more difficult...

To favor:foods with a high water content

No surprise, under a blazing sun, it is foods with a high water content that should be preferred. Namely:salad, watermelon, melon, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, zucchini, spinach, strawberries, peaches, nectarines, apples... This long list is not exhaustive! As a general rule, we bet everything on these raw fruits and vegetables which help us to stay hydrated because in addition to their water intake, they are easy to digest. We have gazpachos, cold soups, compotes and even sorbets! The green salad is particularly rich in water, so we do not hesitate to consume a little with each meal. Dairy products are also good alternatives since yoghurts and other white cheeses contain between 75% and 90% water. As a fan of cheese, we prefer it with a soft paste because it contains more water. What if we prefer to eat hot? Well you can absolutely eat beans, rice, carrots, radishes and potatoes.

To avoid:foods that are too rich

If it is very hot, avoid animal proteins such as meat and fish (except white fish), for digestion reasons. We prefer hard-boiled eggs and shellfish. We also avoid foods that have a diuretic effect such as asparagus, fennel, artichoke... But the basic rule remains above all not to consume (too) sweet products, alcoholic or carbonated drinks, as well as coffee and tea. which lower the body's hydration. Ditto for very fatty foods that particularly strain the digestive system (=heat production).

Clearly, during the heat wave, the key word is water. Well received?