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Hot weather:what to drink?

When the thermometer climbs, it is essential to stay well hydrated. To respond to the feeling of thirst yes, but also because we sweat more and we therefore evacuate a larger quantity of water. The recommended daily dose when it is very hot is around 2 liters of water per day (normally, it is 1.5 L). It must be admitted, that's a lot (to go / back to the WC!) and inevitably we want to vary the pleasures. But in case of hot weather, not all drinks are good to drink, far from it...

Water, the ally of hot weather

Obviously, nothing new under the sun (even hot):water is summer's best friend, if not that of life! As a reminder, it makes up 60% of our body and poor hydration can cause fatigue, weakness and other insomnia. So to avoid these unpleasant symptoms, we eat well, we stay in the shade but above all, we drink, we drink and we drink again. Even if it is not the most thirst-quenching drink, water regenerates cells and allows blood circulation. In addition to the recommended 1.5 L, in case of hot weather, we force ourselves to drink a little more even if the thirst is not felt. Namely:we also hydrate when we eat because many fruits and vegetables are waterlogged, especially cucumbers or watermelons... Eating well is essential for hydration!

Alcohol and hot drinks:avoid

Whether it's just a small beer or a good rosé, let it be said:alcohol consumption does not hydrate at all! On the contrary, its diuretic effect tends to dehydrate the body... So if you still want to drink a glass of it when it's very hot, you drink water at the same time. Hot drinks like tea or coffee also have a diuretic effect. And in times of high heat, it is better to favor pure water which hydrates the body from the inside. However, consumed in moderation, they are not harmful for hydration.

Coconut water, lemonade and smoothies:good alternatives

After 1.5 L of pure water per day, you can vary the pleasures by drinking coconut water, a low-sweetened drink that is also rich in sodium and potassium. Lemonade, thanks to its vitamin C content, is also a good option, provided you do not add too much sugar. Its acidity stimulates the production of saliva in the mouth, which makes it one of the most thirst-quenching drinks. As for smoothies, they are also recommended, especially after exercise because the fruits (filled with water) hydrate and provide their share of vitamins. Be careful not to (too) sweeten it, however, because sugar causes thirst.

Sodas and sparkling water:false friends

The sugar and bubbles in sodas can quickly give stomach cramps. In addition it is addictive, after a first drink you want a second while the effect is not even that refreshing. And above all, this kind of drink does not hydrate at all… What about sparkling water? Yes, it is as refreshing as plain water, but it can cause bloating, and some sparkling waters are very salty (more than 200 mg per litre).

So we remember the watchword in the event of a heat wave:drink plain water!