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Plantar reflexology:how does a massage session take place?

Foot reflexology, a new way to relax

Plantar reflexology is an effective way to fight against everyday physical and psychological ailments. Allowing you to overcome a headache, a blocked back or poor blood circulation, this ancestral method is attracting more and more people. Close to the precepts of Chinese medicine, it crossed the Orient to seduce America and then Europe. Today, especially in cities, there are many reflexologists who offer their services. Know that this alternative medicine is for everyone, from babies to the elderly. It can also be performed on pregnant women after the fourth month of pregnancy. The foot massage allows you to touch points that are connected to an area of ​​the body.

The first foot reflexology session

If you have decided to take the plunge and try plantar reflexology, here are some indications on the course of a session. During your first visit, the reflexologist will first ask you questions. He will assess your needs and your problems. It is important that he takes the time to get to know you. Then the foot massage session can begin! You will need to lie down comfortably. Once well settled, the reflexologist will "listen" to your little toes and determine your points of tension. Generally, the practitioner deals with your ankle, knee and hip. Then he works under the soles of the feet and then on the sides. The toes are not forgotten! They are also massaged. The malleolus is also solicited. The reflexologist usually deals with the left foot and then the right foot. By pressing with the thumb or the palm of the hand, he manages to detect the painful points. With good practice, it is possible to calm many pains.

Foot reflexology schools

Know that there are several schools of foot reflexology. Each has its own method of stimulating reflex points. There is a practice close to traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. There is also the American school which some call "Ingham":this fairly widespread method focuses on the elimination of toxins, by applying a lot of pressure with the thumb. Finally, there is a South African school focused on the emotional dimension. It is necessary to alternate an intense massage and a softer massage by touching the foot. If you are unable to find a reflexologist, you can do some exercises at home. Finally, for the most curious, there is also facial reflexology, palmar reflexology and ear reflexology. There's something for everyone!