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Health:how long does it take to eliminate calorie foods?

Society increasingly promotes a healthy lifestyle, and campaigns that encourage healthy eating and exercise help raise awareness about the importance of taking care of your body. But small pleasures are not to be banned, provided they are consumed in moderation. If you are a fan of junk food and you are often tempted by the approach of a bar of chocolate (which has put itself in our path, of course), knowing the harsh reality should dissuade you from next time. The British association dedicated to improving public health The Royal Society for Public Health has published a table which lists fatty/sugary foods and indicates their exact number of calories and the walking and running times necessary to eliminate them.

Sandwiches and pizza among the most caloric

And the data is astonishing, because it is far more excessive than what consumers imagine. Thus, a 33 cl can of a sugary non-alcoholic drink contains 138 calories, which leads to a 26-minute walk (at about 5 km/h) or a 13-minute run (at 8 km/h ) to eliminate it. A fruit muffin contains 265 calories, which is 48 minutes of walking and 25 minutes of running, a 50g bag of peanuts is equivalent to 296 calories, which is 54 minutes of walking and 28 minutes of running and a chocolate bar contains 229 calories , or 42 minutes of walking and 22 minutes of running. Among the fattiest foods are the "triangle" sandwiches often sold in pairs (445 calories) which are eliminated after 1h22 of walking and 42 minutes of running, and a quarter of a pizza (449 calories) eliminated after 1h23 of walking and 43 minutes of racing. Indeed, it makes you think… The whole table can be consulted on the website of The Independent .

We will think twice before jumping on the 4 cheeses...