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Does a cardio machine measure exactly how many calories you burn?

It seems so handy, after half an hour on the treadmill, you can read exactly how many calories you have burned. But most cardio machines show numbers based on the wrong data.

Most devices calculate only your activity. While more things are needed to determine your calorie burn. For example, your gender, age, height and fat percentage also count.


Researchers at the University of California investigated how many calories fitness machines are wrong on average. They discovered that the treadmill is on average 13 percent too high, a bicycle 7 percent and the crosstrainer cheats you by estimating no less than 42 percent.

If you reward yourself with a piece of pie after exercise, there is a very good chance that you will eat more calories than you have just burned.

Read also:  Do you waste your time at the gym?

Source:Archive | Image:Shutterstock