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Tips against stabbing in your side

While exercising, you suddenly get painful stings in your side. Why is it and what can you do about it?

Why do you get stitches in your side?

For a long time, it was thought that you could get stitches in your side if you eat and drink right before a run. This doesn't seem to be the only reason. Cyclists eat and drink before and often even while cycling, but on average they suffer less from stabbing in their sides than people who practice other sports. Stitches in your side occur when your diaphragm muscle cramps. This is because there are organs attached to your diaphragm. With each step, your organs pull on your diaphragm. In addition, the reduced blood supply would also have to do with it. All nice and nice, preferably you just want to get rid of those stitches.

Read also: ‘How do stitches in your side arise?‘

1. Make a fist

Do not stand still or lean forward if you get stitches in your side. Just keep walking, slow down if necessary, and make a firm fist on the side where the stitch is.

2. Stretch your arms above your head

Stretching can ease the pain. Stretch your arms above your head to lengthen the tense muscles.

3. Breathe the right way

If you breathe through your abdomen, you are less likely to experience stitches in your side. You can practice it at home by lying on your back on the floor with a book on your stomach. Make sure the book rises with each inhale.

4. Tighten your abs

By tightening your abdominal muscles, you can ease the pain in your side.

5. Press the painful area and breathe in and out deeply

The pain should slowly subside.