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15 tips to keep your brain fit

Staying fit doesn't just mean exercising. It also means keeping your brain in shape. With these tips you will challenge yourself a bit during the first two weeks of July and you will sharpen your brain.

Tuesday, July 1:Have a real-life conversation
It doesn't have to be difficult to stimulate your brain. Put your phone away and start a direct conversation with someone.

Wednesday, July 2:Brush your teeth with your other hand
More difficult than you think.

Thursday 3rd July:get some exercise
Exercise also helps to keep your brain healthy.

Friday, July 4:turn off the TV
Watching series that doesn't require you to think is a wonderful pastime, but it doesn't stimulate your brain very much.

Saturday 5 July:make a puzzle
Grab the Saturday newspaper and complete at least one of the puzzles.

Sunday 6 July:play a board game
A fun family activity for Sunday. And a game of Memory of Pictionary will keep your brain busy.

Monday, July 7:Meditate Your brain also needs some rest every now and then. By meditating you look for that peace and then you can go back to it.

Tuesday, July 8:watch the news in another language
Change stimulates.

Wednesday 9 July:talk to a stranger
A challenge that will also have a positive influence on your self-confidence.

Thursday, July 10:cook something you've never made
Expanding your skills is always good.

Friday 11 July:read a book
It keeps you sharp and puts your imagination to work.

Saturday 12 July:put your phone away
And look at the world around you.

Sunday 13 July:keep a diary
If you regularly write in a journal, you can follow your feelings, read whether and how you have achieved your goals and writing is also good for you.

Monday 14 July:stay positive
By thinking positively, you can boost your mood. It will also attract the people around you. Isn't a positive person more pleasant company?

Tuesday 15 July:break a habit
A real challenge for your brain, especially when it comes to ingrained habits such as nail biting. But taking a different route to work can also make a world of difference in your opinion.