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4 tips against water retention

A long plane ride, tight clothes or a diet that is too high in salt…all of these factors can lead to water retention. Why ? Our body, due to impaired blood circulation, does not properly eliminate excess salt. The water consumed then stagnates in our tissues and then causes swelling, weight gain, heavy many unpleasant symptoms that are easy to avoid with these four tips!

1/Watch your diet

Tell me what you eat, I'll tell you how you are? Our diet may be one of the causes of water retention. Salt and sugar actively participate in this stagnation in the body, so you have to limit prepared meals, snacks, sodas or even pastries. Conversely, food can also be our ally in combating excess water. For this, we favor diuretic products such as asparagus, cucumber or pineapple for dessert. Finally, drinking plenty of water also encourages our body to eliminate it better (it's paradoxical, but it works)... We recommend 1.5 liters, or a large bottle of water per day!

2/Doing sports

When you suffer from water retention, sport is a good way to relieve your body because it allows you to build muscle, improve blood circulation and sweat. This effectively and sustainably combats water stagnation. Physical activities to practice in a swimming pool such as swimming or aquabike are to be preferred because they also bring freshness and tone.

3/Getting a massage

We will delight more than one! Lymphatic drainage, through massage, improves the circulation of blood and lymph, which actively participates in the elimination of “waste” from our body. These treatments are practiced at the physiotherapist or in certain beauty institutes. Improvements are often visible from the first sessions.

4/Adapt your clothes

Wearing loose clothing improves blood circulation (again) and therefore limits water retention. If that's not enough, we put on compression stockings that exert pressure to relieve the blood vessels (if we're planning a 13-hour flight, passengers shouldn't blame us for this fashion faux pas!).

So, when do we start?